Thursday, September 3, 2015

They Call Me the Working Man: Working Memory (Part 2)

Editorial Note: This is a continuation of a previous post where we discussed a  model of a short-term memory buffer we called "working memory." In this post, we explore the underlying mechanisms for how working memory-capacity can change over the course of a lifetime. 
Here is a fun game called the dual n-back task. For the first task, you have to remember the spatial location of a series of squares. For the second task, you need to hold a few numbers in working memory. It becomes a dual task when you combine the tasks and do them at the same time. Sounds hard, right? It is. Try it for yourself.

Working Memory Expansion Pack: Adding Capacity

How did you do? Did you feel like your working memory was being taxed as you added the second task? What if you tried the n-back task when you were a kid? Would your adult self beat your younger self? In other words, does working-memory capacity change as we grow older?

There are roughly three different influences that can change working-memory capacity: neural development, knowledge, and recall strategies.

Neural Development. At age five, children can remember about four random digits or letters. By the time they are 20, they can remember upwards of seven or eight arbitrary digits or letters. It seems, therefore, that our brain adds capacity as it naturally develops.

Knowledge. Age, however, is hopelessly confounded with knowledge and experience. As we grow older, our brain undergoes massive changes and we file away volumes of new experiences and skills. So what would happen if we could somehow dissociate age and knowledge/experience? To do so, we would need to find areas in which kids, despite their young age, know more or have more experience than adults.

As it turns out, there are indeed areas in which kids know more than adults. Chess is just such a domain, as it is easy to find kids who have vastly more chess-related knowledge than adults. What if we pitted kids who are young, but highly knowledgeable about chess, against adults who are older, but less experienced when it comes to chess? Who would be able to remember more positions of chess pieces on a chess board? Who would be able to remember more numbers from a list of random digits? It turns out that researchers have investigated this and the results are plotted below [1].

As you can see, children were able to recall about nine chess positions, but only about six numbers. The results for adults were completely flipped. Namely, they remembered fewer chess positions than the children, but recalled more numbers. This suggests that children don't necessarily have a lower working-memory capacity. Instead, it indicates that they have less experience to help structure their recall.

Recall Strategies. You might be skeptical of that last statement. Why would experience increase your capacity to recall a list of digits? A perfect example of how experience can enhance the recall of random digits was demonstrated in a previous post in which we used the years of significant historical events in American history to form four-digit chunks. Also, we encountered a person who underwent deliberate training to increase his working memory capacity to a startling 79 items. Finally, we learned strategies for memorizing arbitrary lists of words, numbers, and phrases. Because adults have more experience temporarily storing information, we have come to develop our own strategies. Kids, on the other hand, have had fewer opportunities to figure out ways to hack their own memories.

The STEM Connection

Working memory capacity is obviously important for education. Research on this topic suggest a couple of conclusions. First, individuals have different working-memory capacities. We refer to this as an individual difference (like height or eye color). We also learned that working memory can change as a function of normal development. Some estimate that kids between the ages of 5-7 can remember four words and about the same number of digits. College-age students, on the other hand, can store upward of six words and approximately eight digits. 

We can't do anything to expedite normal development, but we can help students gain familiarity with the symbols and structures of information from a particular domain. That is where the real growth can happen. As we saw in the chess example, if students put in the time, they can expand their working-memory capacity to a point where they can outperform adults.

In conclusion, working-memory capacity seems to change over the course of a lifetime, and there are three potential explanations. First, we add capacity naturally as a consequence of natural brain maturation. Second, we learn new techniques and strategies for remembering, like repeating the same items over and over. Finally, we acquire new knowledge, which we can then use to help structure the to-be-remembered information. Kids who are chess experts can form larger chunks than adults who are novice chess players. Hopefully, this will supply you with the tools you need to go out and get a mental upgrade!

Share and Enjoy!

Dr. Bob

For More Information

[1] Chi, M. T. H. (1978). Knowledge structures and memory development. In R. Siegler (Ed.), Children's thinking: What develops? (pp. 73-96). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

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